
Before requesting help, please consult the frequently asked questions below and the instruction guides available in the member services services area.

The Group Email feature triggers an email to 1000+ members of the network. To avoid spam, the system will only allow messages from registered network members to be posted. The system recognises network members based on the email address that they use to post the message. If you post the message from an email address that is different from the one you have registered in the network the system has no way to know that you are a registered member, and it rejects your message automatically. To avoid that problem post your messages from your registered email address. In addition to the automated check of your email address, each message posted to the network is approved manually by the network manager. This could delay the posting of your message by up to 48 hours based on the network managers availability. If after 48 hours your message hasn't been posted, and you are sure that you used a registered email address to post the message, please contact the network manager.
The Message Board uses the Google Groups platform. Google only allows access to the message board if registered members have a Google (gmail) email address. That is a restriction imposed by Google and not by the Gemini Consulting Alumni Network. If it is important for you to gain access to the Message Board, please change your registered email address with the network to a Gmail address. The Member Services - Group Email List and Message Board section provides you with a link to open a Google email address. Once you have created a Google email address contact the network manager to replace your old email address with the new one.
The Gemini Consulting Alumni Network does not receive any funding or support from former Gemini Consulting, Cap Gemini or any of the preceding firms. The network founder, Paul Witschey, invested significants amount of time and effort in creating the network from scratch, and financed the network's growth throughout the incubation period. However the network is at stage where it needs to be financially self sufficient to fund its regular maintenance, operation, upgrades and growth. Several funding models (voluntary donations, sponsorship, revenue sharing, etc.) were explored during the first five years of the network's creation, but they all failed. To that end, a very modest yearly membership fee (or a reasonable lifetime fee) were introduced starting with January 1, 2010.
Your email address is used as your unique identifier of membership in the Gemini Consulting Alumni Network. If your email address stops working (for instance because you moved employers, changed email providers, etc.) you will stop receiving email updates form the network, you will be unable to post Group Emails to the network and you will miss membership renewal reminders. This could lead to the termination of your membership as it is deemed as an abandoned account. Please note that updating your email address on LinkedIn is NOT enough. Your LinkedIn profile is not connected to the Gemini Consulting Alumni Network. You need to personally reach out to the Gemini Consulting Alumni Network manager to update your record.
The network encourages alumni to organise reunions in their local geographies, and makes several networking tools available to that end. The network calendar allows members to share reunions and gatherings with other members. Network members are also allowed to send a network wide message to announce larger reunions.

While the network manager would love to organise reunions himself, the level of funding of the network, his physical location (Australia) and job commitments make that impossible at this stage.
Yes you can pay with American Express, Visa or Mastercard.

Upon clicking the payment link you will be taken to a secure webpage hosted by the credit card processing company.

Your credit card details will be managed by Square, and will not be handled or stored by the Gemini Consulting Alumni Network at any point in time.

Could not find the answer?

If after consulting the Frequently Asked Questions and reading the Instruction Guides available in the Member Services area you still have a question, feel free to contact the network manager.



The Gemini Consulting Alumni Network is not affiliated (and does not receive any financial support) from Cap Gemini, Gemini Consulting (or any of the preceding firms). For further information please review the 'About' menu.